Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I read a piece of writing yesterday, something that compared colours and music. As there are notes to sound, so are the colours to light. Wonderful, goose bumpy thought. So true, so elementary, still I doubt how many of us observe it.

Colours, music and fragrances are three elements that influence me a lot; to the extent that I can say that they drive me. Nostalgia is another such element but I believe that it exists somewhere in parallel to a lot of other things or rather is intertwined with most of the things and hence detailed dwelling into nostalgia needs a separate discussions altogether.

So I was saying that the music and colours are basically frequencies of sound and light. Now I recall all those media players’ visualizations showing music on spectrum and a lot of other things and it amuses me endlessly that despite my great love for physics I never noticed this simple analogy, or even if I did, I never remembered.

I wonder if the two things can be integrated i.e. you see a spectrum and think of the tune (that is how the optical fibre communication takes place, more or less) or rather more interestingly think of colours when you listen to a piece of music. High pitch means violet and high bass for red… wow! And I am not talking about those visualizations again; use your imagination if you can.

Moving on to the fragrances, I wonder if we can extend the above phenomenon to it. And more I think about it, more I feel puzzled, confused, startled and puzzled again. I don’t know anything about the science of fragrances or olfactics (“study of sense of smell” as they call it) but I doubt that smell can be classified like colours and music. Can smell have the frequencies?

Think Spectrum! :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

When Colours Talk

(Click on the image to view full size)

Mar 28, 2008 - o6:53 AM
F-Block Terrace, IIM Indore